Things To Do Review

Palais des Archeveques, Narbonne, France
editor's rating

Rating: 5

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Place de l’Hotel de Ville, 11100
Narbonne, France
43° 11' 1.94'' N,
3° 0' 14.68'' E
Museums, Palaces, Art
"Houses the Musée Archéologique and the Musée d'Art et d'Histoire."

The Palais des Archeveques in Narbonne was built around the 12th and 14th century and was remodeled in the 17th and 18th centuries. The dual purpose building was a fortress and a bishop's residence.

Nowadays Palais des Archeveques houses the Musée Archéologique, the Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, and the Horreum Romain which is an underground catacomb system.

For a small fee you can take a look inside or just admire the exterior, where the marriage of two distinct styles is seen: Romanesque style in the Old Palace and Gothic style in the New Palace.

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