Things To Do Review

Bonnieux Center, Bonnieux, France
editor's rating

Rating: 6

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T: 04 90 75 91 90 Bonnieux
Bonnieux, France
43° 49' 25.48'' N,
5° 18' 27.16'' E
Traditional villages
"Small hill village featured in the movie A Good Year starring Russell Crowe"

The small hill village crowns a Luberon vineyard valley. Despite its size, Bonnieux has plenty of amenities such as restaurants, coffee shops, a Friday market and a 12th century church. The historic architecture of the houses dates back in the 16th century, while Bonnieux has been fortified since 972 AD.

Bonnieux village was featured in the movie "A Good Year" starring Russell Crowe and some of the scenes were shot in the coffee shop near the center.

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