Things To Do Review

Cases de l’Onyar, Girona, Spain
editor's rating

Rating: 8

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T: +34 972 22 65 75 Rambla de la Llibertat, 1, 17004
Girona, Spain
41° 58' 58.88'' N,
2° 49' 25.72'' E
Architecture, Historic bldgs, Historic places
"Colorful wallpaper by Onyar river at the entrance of Girona's old city."

The colorful wallpaper by the river Onyar at the entrance of Girona's old city, appears so welcoming to visitors. Small, picturesque houses with painted facades, which is by the way no accident, rather a careful selection of color palette by Enric Ansesa, James J. Faixó and the architects Fuses and J. Viader.

The one house that stands out because of its white color is (at 29,Ballesteries de Gironais) is Casa Masó, the architect Rafael Masó birthplace. It is an example of Noucentisme in Girona and is nowadays the headquarters of the Fundació Rafael Maso.

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