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Chefs who set up their restaurants at their home town
In de Wulf

Many accomplished chefs make the bold decision to set up their restaurant businesses at their home town, despite the remoteness of its location. Even if it is far and remote, they take the risk and create a venue, hoping that people will come. And most of the times if they are doing a fine job, people do come.

Thousands of people travel often to the middle of nowhere in order to visit a fine restaurant. It is easy to open a restaurant in a big city. But it takes courage and confidence to do so in a small village. And patience, to keep it up until it is picked up by the radar of fine travelers.

Such brave chefs include Kobe Desramaults who created In de Wulf, in ​Heuvelland-Belgium, the place in which he grew up. Carme Ruscalleda and her husband Toni Balam also converted her parents' small food store into the 3-star restaurant Sant Pau in Sant Pol de Mar. Following their parents tradition, the Roca brothers and Anne Sophie Pic kept it local and glowing as well.

Since the business they create is an important venue that gives jobs and pride to the community, it is a wonderful idea which gives back to the land that raised them and their families. These restaurants are also the place where local produce and ingredients are being utilized and promoted.

These brave chefs should be considered kind of local heroes for doing so and putting their homeland on the culinary map.

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