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Bed and linen

Hotel rooms are important, even crucial, in determining the overall value of a hotel. Travelers usually have big expectations because they like to feel comfortable, safe and enjoy their sleep.

If that doesn't happen for whatever reason and they don't get their good night's sleep, then the next day they will probably feel tired and grumpy. And they will lose their valuable holiday time.

So, what does it take for a room to satisfy all those criteria?

First, it has to be clean. Spotless! 

Carpets are a major source of infections and dirt. Visible stains or very old and worn out carpets make it even worse.

The sheets have to be bright white (with no holes or tears of course). Especially when it comes to luxurious hotels, sheets should have a crisp ironed yet smooth satin texture which can be felt while sinking into a comfortable mattress.

Duvet covers also need to be clean because they come in direct contact with skin. However, bed covers do not get washed every day and chances are other people have been wrapping themselves around them. Keep that in mind the next time you jump into bed without removing the cover.

When it comes to pillows, ideally there should be two per person. Some luxury hotels offer a pillow menu, which includes a variety of pillow stuffing.

From goose feather to orthopedic, hotels try to accommodate guests to the way they are accustomed. The purpose is to make guests feel like home. If a hotel accomplishes that, then it has served one of its purposes.

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