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How to meet the chef of a fine restaurant
Pierre Gagnaire

Nowadays, chefs are considered celebrities, rock stars if you like. Thus, guests sometimes ask to meet the chef and take pictures.

For some reason, the majority of these highly successful pros, always seem to be very polite and happy to chat with guests. It is not an exaggeration to say that the more successful the restaurant, the more down to earth its chef. And they also do not hesitate to express their appreciation towards their guests, for visiting their restaurants.

Some of them will come outside the kitchen and greed everybody in the room during service hours. However, sometimes they prefer to stay away from the spotlights. This is when you have to ask whether it is possible to meet with them and say thank you for the meal.

In order to achieve this, here is your strategy:

First, choose your messenger wisely. The person who will get this job done, should be the waiter or waitress who inspires you the most. Tell that person that you would be happy to wait after service, when the chef is more relaxed because you do not want to interfere with the kitchen's routine.

You do nevertheless, have to make sure that the chef doesn't leave immediately after service because sometimes they do, in order to get some rest before the next one. So, politely remind your waiter/tress messenger at least once more to ensure that nothing will go wrong. If they seem to have forgotten all about your request, skip that person and find another messenger (if the chef hasn't left already). Quick! And start over!

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