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How much money does it take to have a fine experience?
How much money does it take to have a fine experience?

Arguing that money has nothing to do with having a fine experience can be justified by the fact that the world is packed with inexpensive establishments and professionals who are doing an outstanding job. Locating them is not that easy though.

There are plenty of reasons to explain that. A lot of these restaurants are maintaining a low profile without publicity support. In addition, they are not usually big establishments and they attract mostly locals who may not be so inclined to go online and share their experience with other foodies or travelers.

So, what does that mean? Does it mean that us world travelers are destined not to follow the unbeaten path and just go after tourist and other PR favored and expensive venues where money buy fame and recognition?

The answer is basically yes. Unless, there is access to locals who can make good recommendations or you can find real information on line. Then you can have a fine culinary experience without paying a lot of money.

But it is very difficult to find unbiased reviews online these days. Read this article for more on this subject.

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